Los Militantes De Nuestra organización política IPCN, estamos comprometidos en apoyar las políticas del gobierno Nacional, y Regional constantemente estamos diseñando planes para contribuir con los temas productivos, organización social y el fortalecimiento del poder popular. Hemos defendido a la clase más vulnerable, escuchamos sus clamores y alentamos sus esperanzas, porque realmente creemos en este proyecto socialista que nos dejó nuestro comandante eterno.
Sin embargo, es necesario hoy día plantearse una profunda reflexión a los que excluyen o ven al país como si sólo fuesen dos, cuando somos más de dos. Los partidos defensores de la revolución también hemos sido los protagonistas del triunfo electoral del gobierno revolucionario. Pero, ¿Dónde está la cuota que nos corresponde como organización política revolucionaria? Hemos solicitado ayudas ante grupos enquistados en el poder que nos castigan y nos han excluido durante estos 17 años de los beneficios del gobierno, hasta la presente fecha ningún militante ipcista ha podido optar por un empleo, una vivienda, pensiones, línea blanca para sus hogares, un vehículo para trabajar… cientos de cargos fueron promocionados ante los diferentes ministerios: salud, educación entre otros, así como pensiones para la tercera edad y beneficios de Hogares de la Patria, y bajo ninguna circunstancias fuimos incluidos en ninguno. Observamos con impotencia e indignación que estos beneficios se barajean y disfrutan entre personas que se cubren bajo el manto de la revolución, que pregonan con cinismo que hay que salvarla, pero secretamente la sepultan; utilizan las premisas del socialismo bolivariano que nunca han comprendido, pero bien se empeñan en enterrarlo.
Si ha sido imposible lograr lo que nos corresponde por ley, si nos niegan la cuota de poder que con esfuerzo nos hemos ganado, entonces quedará claro que para ayudar a nuestros camaradas ipcistas será solo tomando el poder político.
Los ipcistas somos chavistas de corazón, lo demostramos con accionar, con actuar, con ética y lucha en el interés por los demás, en seguir el ejemplo de Chávez y de otros líderes de la izquierda que trabajaron por los necesitados, es nuestro interés poner las luchas y los intereses de la comunidad por encima de los intereses individuales. seguiremos trabajando en las metas impulsadas por el propio Presidente Maduro para impulsar la producción y mejorarnos a nosotros mismos, como personas que seguimos el legado del Chávez.
CUBA the island of the PLANET I love Cuba, because it possesses National and State PROPOERTIES.
ResponderEliminarOur planet was robbed blind by criminals and murderers.
La privatización, son criminales y asesinos, el planeta pertenece a la gente del planeta. (Citation:Andrej Palacko)
Privatization, is a movement of criminals and murderers, the planet belongs to the people of the planet. (Citation:Andrej Palacko).
http://www.granma.cu/cuba/2016-01-14/cuba-en-el-corazon-de-un-eslovaco-14-01-2016-08-01-45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3czzryn8doQ
Latino Americano, Europa, Asia, Africa, Australia, Canada si, yankee no.
I have thousands of ideas, thousands of projects and thousands of opinions, with which I want to help save 99% people of the planet. These ideas allow me to inform people about the criminals and murderers, who came up with the act of the Tax bureau, where every Ltd. Is obliged to pay 960 EUR every year, to criminals and murderers. They have robbed thousands of national properties, which we have built, in Slovakia alone, like factories, agriculture, food industry, hotels, restaurants, cafés, municipal, state and national land properties. They have destroyed and robbed us of our agricultural lands, contaminated our clean waters, lakes and rivers with chemicals.
There are numerous types of cancer in Slovakia, due to us having poisonous food and pharmaceuticals.
All the laws, which work for criminals, murderers, mobsters, politicians and “entrepreneurs” are anti-human.
During 25 years, tens of thousands of people have been murdered in our hospitals, including my parents. Slovak people do not even own the air around them.
We have 15 ministries in Slovakia, out of which not even a single one works, and they cost us annually billions of Euro. I therefore ask, in the name of all the people of Slovakia, to disband all ministries, that cost us billions upon billions of Euro every year. Four ministries are sufficient in Slovakia, an example: employees, “slaves” earn 300, 400, 500 Euro on a monthly basis, pensioners can't even afford their own funeral, and monthly receive 280 Euro, and when we get rid of criminals and murderers, the monthly pay will increase to 2500 Eur, and the pension will increase to 1500 Eur.
To all the murderers and criminals, LIFE SENTENCE for TREASON and for ROBBING our entire country.
.............Vatican must be disbanded, as for 2000 years, billions of people were murdered, and millions of wagons of gold were pilfered from the properties of the planet. If we get rid of Vatican, then the entire planet will change into a truly beautiful planet. Emperors, Caesars, kings, rulers of Vatican, bankers and politicians have created wars, and murdered billions of people. We need to cancel all private banks, stock-exchange and currency-exchange, which are robbing billions of citizens of the planet, and the banks need to be nationalized and owned by the state.
Slovak people don't even own electricity, gas and water plants, Incheba, Slovnaft, PKO, the entire coast of Danube is robbed by criminals. This is why I consider privatization a movement of criminals and murderers, because the natural resources of the planet belong to us, the people, not to murderers and criminals. Life is too short, people lack meaning in their lives and have become mere slaves.
............Distrainors work for criminals and murderers, there were 3 millions of distraints and millions of Slovak people were robbed of all their property, which was handed over to politicians, mobsters and „entrepreneurs“. Billions and millions are psychologically ill, and have no meaning in their lives, and should they awaken, and from slavery turn to a normal life, with national and state-owned properties, we would be happy, but at this point, we are slaves in a catastrophical state and these criminals and murderers will meet a tragic end.
.......All Slovak media are criminals, who don't pay attention to the problems of the people, and instead feed us with stupid news about celebrities, which are supposed to be important.
ResponderEliminarTo these criminals and murderers, I will NEVER pay 960 Euro, to those who steal millions and billions.
.......I was prosecuted by murderers and criminals, for my 20 Euro per year, I will turn them into a tragedy of this planet. In the television, I have said: „400 000 slaves come to Bratislava for 5 days, who throughout the entire Slovakia don't even have anything to eat.“
.....I am the only citizen of this planet, who came up with the term „CITIZENTOLOGIST“ Citizen and politologist . For over 2000 years, a politologist did nothing for the citizens of the planet. Return the National and state property back to the citizens of Slovakia.
Millions of Slovak people have lifetime debts, a tragedy.
Return National and state property back to the citizens of Slovakia. Photo: Andrej Palacko
Return the National and state property back to the citizens of Slovakia. Foto: Andrej Palacko
“How can a family stay alive, when it owns nothing?”
“How can Bratislava stay alive, when it owns nothing?”
“How can Slovakia stay alive, when it owns nothing?”
Citation: Andrej Palacko
Por siempre y para siempre. Fidel vive y vivirá por siempre en los corazones de todos los revolucionarios del mundo que .
ResponderEliminar"FIDEL CASTRO RUZ , Hugo Chávez ,Nicolás Maduro , Cristina Kirchner , Juan Manuel Santos , Daniel Ortega, Rafael Correa , Evo Morales, LA PERSONALIDAD DEL , SIGLO" Cita: Andrej Palacko . Russia, China , Colombia , Latinoamericano , Argentina , Ecuador , Europa , Asia, Africa, Australia, Canada , Vietnam ,Cuba , Venezuela si, yankee no . La privatización, son criminales y asesinos, el planeta pertenece a la gente del planeta. Cita: Andrej Palacko , Privatization, are criminals and murderers, the planet belongs to the people of the planet. Citation: Andrej Palacko , Privatizácia, su zločinci a vrahovia, planéta patrí ľuďom planéty. Citát: Andrej Palacko , http://en.granma.cu/cultura/2016-08-19/a-slovak-who-admires-cuba-and-fidel … , http://www.granma.cu/cuba/2016-01-14/cuba-en-el-corazon-de-un-eslovaco-14-01-2016-08-01-45 … , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3czzryn8doQ … , http://davdva.sk/svetoznamy-fotograf-andrej-palacko-privatizacia-zlocin-planeta-patri-obyvatelom/ … , http://www.skjyjt.com/html/news/jituanxinwen/2015/0329/533.html … , http://www.sportmoviestv.com/en/schedas/eight-days-before-he-died-last-memory-of-teofilo-stevenson-2/ … , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfKyvRTHevE … , http://www.andrejpalacko.com/ , Os saludo con afecto. personalidad mundo que yo, un fotógrafo. Fotografié a los líderes mundiales. Tengo un interés sincero en su país para poner en práctica la exposición. Buena suerte todos los días. Foto: Andrej Palacko , Los cubanos exiliados en Miami, Son criminales y asesinos, político estadounidense matando el planeta . "FIDEL CASTRO RUZ ,Hugo Chávez, Daniel Ortega LA PERSONALIDAD DEL , SIGLO" Cita: Andrej Palacko , https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCamV4R19xa44hfFwohy0plA/videos … , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36rv8c2OvZM , palackophotograph@gmail.com